Do You Use A Tongue Scraper Before Or After Brushing

image of women using a tongue scraper to clean her tongue. Emphasizing on the question do you use tongue scraper befor or after brushing.

When it comes to oral hygiene a lot of us are familiar with brushing our teeth twice a day and flossing daily. However, new tools and procedures are emerging to improve our oral health. One such tool that gained popularity is the tongue scraper. But there’s one question that keeps bugging people do you use a tongue scraper before or after brushing?  Let’s explore this mystery and find out the best practices for a healthy mouth.

What Is A Tongue Scraper?

Tongue scraping is a practice that involves a tool called tongue scraper which helps to clean the surface of the tongue. It comes in different shapes and sizes, is made of metal or plastic, and works by gently scraping it along the tongue. This can help remove accumulated bacteria, food particles, and dead cells.

Why Use A Tongue Scraper?

So let’s try to understand why tongue scraping has become an essential part of daily oral hygiene routine for many individuals. The tongue is a haven for bacteria, dead cells, and food debris, leading to bad breath and many other oral issues. Tongue scrapers help to remove them and promote good oral hygiene and fresh.

Do You Use A Tongue Scraper Before Or After Brushing

image of a metal tongue scraper and tooth brush

This is a big debate and there is no definitive answer to this question, as different sources may have different opinions. However, based on our research, we suggest that you scrape your tongue after brushing your teeth, especially if you use a natural toothpaste that contains bacteria-fighting ingredients. Here are some reasons why:

  • When you brush, you remove the plaque covering your teeth and gums. By doing this there will be less bacteria and food debris left in your mouth to be scraped.
  • When you scrape after brushing the natural ingredients in your toothpaste can help loosen and dissolve the buildup on your tongue, making it easier to scrape off.
  • Also after brushing when you scrape your tongue any bacteria or residue that may transferred during brushing to your tongue will be removed. 

How To Use A Tongue Scraper?

image showing types of scraper including metal and plastic tongue scraper

Heres a step by step guide on how to use a tongue scraper:

1.Choose the Right Tool:

When it comes to choosing the right scraper, select the one that is comfortable to hold and has a smooth slightly rounded edge. Tongue scraper comes in two materials:

  1. Metal tongue scraper: They are more suitable for people with sensitive tongues or who have gag reflexes.
  2. Plastic tongue scraper: They are more suitable for people who want a deeper and more thorough cleaning of the tongue.

2. Start At The Back:

Stick out your tongue and begin the scraping motion at the back of the tongue and then gently pull the scraper forward. Don’t press too hard otherwise, it can irritate.

3. Repeat the Motion:

Repeat this process several times you’ll notice a white film on your scraper this is accumulated food debris and bacteria being removed.

4. Rinse And Clean Your Scraper:

Rinse the scraper every time you scrape your tongue under running water to remove any residue. After each use clean the scraper and dry it to prevent bacteria buildup on the tool.

5. Finish with Mouthwash or Water:

In the end, rinse your mouth with water or an antimicrobial mouthwash to leave your mouth feeling fresh.

Tongue Scraper Benefits

The following are some benefits of tongue scraper:

  1. Improved Breath: When you scrape your tongue you remove microbes and food debris that causes bad breath.
  2. Enhanced Taste Perception: A cleaner tongue may lead to an enhanced sense of taste. 
  3. Improved Overall Health: By cleaning your tongue you prevent bacteria from entering your bloodstream which can improve your overall health.

FAQS: (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How does tongue scraping differ from brushing?

A: While brushing focuses on cleaning teeth and gums, tongue scraping specifically targets the surface of the tongue. It complements brushing by addressing bacteria and debris that can accumulate on the tongue.

Q2: When do you use a tongue scraper – before or after brushing?

A: The order of tongue scraping and brushing can vary. Some prefer scraping before brushing to remove the initial layer of debris, while others opt for scraping after brushing to ensure a thorough cleaning. The key is to be consistent with both practices.

Q3: How often should I scrape my tongue?

A: Tongue scraping is typically recommended once a day, preferably in the morning. However, some individuals may choose to scrape their tongue more frequently based on personal preference.

Q4: Is tongue scraping suitable for everyone?

A: Tongue scraping is generally safe for most people. However, individuals with a highly sensitive gag reflex or certain oral health conditions should consult with their dentist before incorporating tongue scraping into their routine.

Q5: Is tongue scraping a substitute for brushing and flossing?

A: No, tongue scraping is not a substitute for brushing and flossing. It is a complementary practice that targets the tongue’s surface. A comprehensive oral care routine includes regular toothbrushing, flossing, and tongue scraping for optimal results.


In the end, whether you choose to use a tongue scraper before or after brushing depends on your preference and comfort. The key is to include both practices in your oral hygiene routine. Remember that no matter the order, the goal is to maintain a clean and healthy mouth.

2 thoughts on “Do You Use A Tongue Scraper Before Or After Brushing”

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