Dental Sealant For Sensitive Teeth: What You Need To Know


dental sealants for sensitive teeth

Are you experiencing sharp pain when you eat or drink something hot, cold, or sweet? If yes, you have sensitive teeth, a common dental issue. Sensitive teeth can make eating and drinking challenging. Fortunately, dentistry is evolving so fast and now there are ways to treat sensitive teeth. Dental sealant for sensitive teeth has emerged as a game-changer, it’s a thin coating that protects your teeth from harmful substances. Let’s explore what dental sealants are, how they work, and the benefits of dental sealants for sensitive teeth. 

What Is A Dental Sealant?

It is a thin, plastic covering that is applied to the chewing surface of molars and pre-molars. As these teeth have deep grooves and pits where food debris and bacteria can get stuck leading to cavities. Dental sealant fills all the pits and grooves which are deep and make the surface smooth and easy to clean. Dental sealants also act as a barrier to acids and extreme temperatures that can cause tooth sensitivity.

Dental Sealant Procedure

image showing a step by step guide on how to do a dental sealant procedure

The procedure of dental sealants is very easy, simple, and painless. It can be performed during routine dental visits to your dentist. Following is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Cleaning and Preparation: First, your dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth with scaling to remove any plaque or tartar.
  2. Isolation: Then the teeth being treated are dried and isolated to make sure they remain dry during the application process.
  3. Etching: A mild acid solution is then applied to the teeth that make the surface of teeth rough which will help in better adhesion of sealant.
  4. Application: The liquid sealant is applied to tooth surfaces and then with the help of a curing light it is bonded to the surface of the enamel.
  5. Sealant Evaluation: The dentist will then make sure that the sealant has bonded to the tooth surfaces properly and make any necessary adjustments.

Benefits Of Dental Sealant For Sensitive Teeth

image showing before and after the application of dental sealant on a tooth.

Dental sealant has many benefits for sensitive teeth some are as follows:

  1. Pain Relief: Dental sealants form a protective layer over the tooth which provides relief from tooth sensitivity.
  2. Prevention of Further Damage: Sealants help to prevent further enamel loss, and reduce the risk of cavities, and other dental issues.
  3. Long-lasting Protection: Sealants can last for a very long time with proper care, which can result in ongoing protection against sensitivity.
  4. Improved Oral Health: By safeguarding against sensitivity, dental sealants encourage better oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing.

How Much Dental Sealant Cost?

The cost of dental sealant depends on several factors, such as the number of teeth treated, the type of sealant used, and the location of the dentist. On average, dental sealant costs between $30 and $60 per tooth in the US. For children and teenagers it is often covered by dental insurance plans. 

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Can adults benefit from dental sealants for sensitive teeth, or are they only for children?

A: While dental sealants are commonly associated with cavity prevention in children, they can be equally beneficial for adults dealing with sensitive teeth. Adults with exposed dentin or enamel erosion can find relief and protection through the application of dental sealants.

Q2: Are there any specific aftercare instructions for individuals with dental sealants?

A: After the application of dental sealants, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices. This includes proper brushing technique, flossing, and attending routine dental check-ups. Avoiding habits that can contribute to enamel erosion, such as excessive consumption of acidic foods and drinks, can also prolong the effectiveness of the sealants.

Q3: Can I eat and drink normally after getting dental sealants?

A: Yes, you can resume normal eating and drinking habits immediately after the application of dental sealants. There are no dietary restrictions associated with sealants. However, it is always advisable to follow a balanced diet for overall oral health.


Dental sealant is a safe and easy way to protect your teeth from cavities, and sensitivity. Dental sealants can bring the confidence back to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks without pain and discomfort. If you are interested in dental sealants, talk to your dentist and find out if it is right for you. Dental sealant can make a big difference in your oral health and quality of life.

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