
dental debridement vs scaling

Dental Debridement Vs Scaling: What’s The Difference?

Introduction Maintaining good oral hygiene is important and regular dental cleaning is a key component. If you have been avoiding your oral hygiene, you must have accumulated a lot of plaque and tartar on your teeth. To clean this plaque and tartar, your dentist will advise you on two common procedures which are dental debridement

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image emphasing on the question can u get veneers with periodontal disease?

Can You Get Veneers With Periodontal Disease?

Introduction A confident smile is often connected with good oral health, and for those suffering from the effects of periodontal disease, veneers may seem like a tempting solution. These dainty shells, made from porcelain or composite resin, are customized to improve the aesthetic appeal of teeth. However, the question arises: can you get veneers with periodontal

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An anxious patient in dental discomfort awaits an examination by a caring dental practitioner.

Swollen Gums Around Bridge: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Swelling of gums can cause discomfort and pain, which can affect your overall oral health. However, swelling around the dental bridge can be a reason for concern. Let’s find out the different reasons for swollen gums around bridge, and effective treatment options, and answer a few FAQs related to this issue. What Is A

Swollen Gums Around Bridge: Causes and Treatment Read More »

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