Oral health


Tooth Extraction After A Root Canal: Why And How?

Introduction While undergoing a root canal procedure, the goal is to save a severely infected tooth by removing the pulp and sealing the canals. However, most of the time a tooth may still need an extraction after the procedure. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why tooth extraction after a root canal is necessary […]

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How Common Is Sinus Perforation After Tooth Extraction

Introduction: Tooth extraction is a removal of tooth. It is usually safe but, sometimes complications can occur, such as sinus perforation. In this article, you will learn how common is sinus perforation after tooth extraction, its prevention and its treatment. What Is A Sinus Perforation? Sinus perforation, also known as oroantral communication or fistula, is a

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can i eat before tooth extraction

Can I Eat Before Tooth Extraction: Pre-Procedure Guidelines

Introduction The thought of undergoing a tooth extraction procedure can cause anxiety in a lot of individuals but it can be due to many reasons such as decay, damage, or orthodontic reasons, the questions that arise often are about what’s allowed before the procedure and what’s not. Can you eat before tooth extraction? What are

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Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Tooth Decay

Introduction Sugar is widely known as the main culprit for tooth decay so artificial sweeteners have become increasingly popular as healthier alternatives to sugar. But are they good or bad for your dental health? Do artificial sweeteners cause tooth decay? Let’s get answers to these questions which are more complex, as different types of artificial

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dental sealants for sensitive teeth

Dental Sealant For Sensitive Teeth: What You Need To Know

Introduction Are you experiencing sharp pain when you eat or drink something hot, cold, or sweet? If yes, you have sensitive teeth, a common dental issue. Sensitive teeth can make eating and drinking challenging. Fortunately, dentistry is evolving so fast and now there are ways to treat sensitive teeth. Dental sealant for sensitive teeth has

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how to prevent dry socket from tooth extraction

How To Prevent Dry Socket From Tooth Extraction?

Introduction Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that can result from various reasons such as grossly carious teeth, infection, hyperdontia (extra teeth), and overcrowding. While pulling out a tooth sounds easy the aftermath can be challenging for some people, one of those complications is a dry socket. In this article, we will learn about

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image showing a hand protecting the tooth emphasing on how to preserve tooth enamel.

How To Preserve Tooth Enamel? Essential Tips for Dental Health

Intoduction Having a beautiful and confident smile is one of the best assets that you can have. But there is a secret hero behind this smile and that is tooth enamel. To understand how to preserve tooth enamel you must know its fundamental importance in maintaining overall health. This protective layer protects our teeth from

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