Are Cavities Considered Basic Dental Care?

The image highlights the importance of regular checkups and professional dental care.

When considering essential dental care, we include check-ups, cleanings, and preventive measures like brushing and flossing. However, we forget to ask a common question: are cavities considered basic dental care? In this article, I will explain what is dental care, what are cavities, their prevalence, and whether they should be considered a part of dental care.

What is Dental Care?

Dental care is maintaining good oral health by including daily routines like brushing and flossing, regular dental check-ups, and eating right. Dental care helps to prevent cavities, gum diseases, and other problems.

What Are Cavities?

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Cavities, also called dental caries or tooth decay, are a common dental issue. They are holes or damaged areas in the hard surface of the teeth. Cavities develop when microorganisms in the mouth produce acids that erode the tooth enamel. If left untreated, cavities can deepen and cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss.

Cavities: A Common Dental Issue

A diagram of tooth structure showing how cavities form on a tooth.

Cavities are one of the most common dental issues around the world. Both children and adults can be affected by cavities, making them a major concern in dental health.

As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), dental caries affect practically 50 percent of the worldwide population. This widespread prevalence makes cavities a central issue in the domain of dental care.

The Role of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is a fundamental part of maintaining oral health. Preventive dental care involves regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and guidance on maintaining great oral hygiene practices.

Preventive dentistry is primarily concerned with dental issues like cavities before they get worse. This is accomplished through few key components:

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly this will allow the early identification of dental issues, including cavities. Early diagnosis can stop the cavities from getting worse and causing more critical issues.
  • Professional Cleanings: To reduce the risk of cavities and gum diseases go to a good dental hygienist that can remove plaque and calculus buildup.
  • Oral Health Education: Dental specialists and dental hygienists give guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing and flossing techniques.
  • Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride, whether applied topically or ingested, helps strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks.
  • Dental Sealants: Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the biting surfaces of molars and premolars to protect them from cavity-causing bacteria and acids.
  • X-rays: Dental radiographs can reveal cavities that are not visible during a clinical assessment.

Are Cavities Considered Basic Dental Care?

The discussion about whether cavities should be considered basic dental care or not is complicated. On one hand, cavities are so common that addressing them is unquestionably essential. Then again, some argue that cavities result from poor oral hygiene practices, proposing that they are avoidable and subsequently not a part of basic dental care.

The Controversy Around Cavities

  1. The people who accept that cavities should be considered basic dental care argue that they are a natural result of the complex ecosystem in our mouths. Even individuals who have perfect oral hygiene might still be more prone to cavities because of genetic factors, diet, or another medical issues. Therefore, addressing cavities is an essential part of thorough dental consideration.
  2. On the other hand, opponents believe that cavities are preventable through oral hygiene practices. They argue that cavities are a result of poor oral hygiene and should not be viewed as an essential part of basic dental care.

The Importance of Addressing Cavities

No matter what the debate is, the most important thing is to address cavities timely. If left untreated, cavities can lead to other oral medical problems, including infections, and abscesses, and which will result in more invasive dental work, for example, root canals and extractions.

Besides, cavities can fundamentally affect one’s general health. Poor oral health has been connected to different systemic conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. This highlights the significance of maintaining good oral hygiene and addressing cavities quickly.


In the world of dental care, cavities occupies a unique space. While the discussion about whether they should be viewed as basic dental care proceeds, there is no questioning their prevalence and the possible outcomes of ignoring them.

Incorporating cavities into your dental wellness plan is a wise choice, as it guarantees that you address these normal dental issues and maintain your general health. Regardless of whether you view cavities as basic dental care or not, they should continuously be a part of your commitment to a healthy smile and a healthier you. 

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